Parish office hours this week -
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wed.: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: CLOSED
The Parish Office can be contacted on any day by leaving a voicemail or sending an email. Please call the office and leave a message: 315-343-3953 and your message will be returned. You may also email us at
Mass cards and votives may still be scheduled via email or over the phone.
Office Phone:
Pastor: Bishop Douglas Lucia
Assisting Priest:
Fr. Richard Morisette
Mailing address: 103 West 7th Street, Oswego, NY 13126
Please contact us at the office at 315-343-3953. We are here to help. God Bless and May Our Lady Keep you.
Funerals - Please arrange with us here at St. Mary's by calling the office. Please follow this link for more information:
Funeral Arrangements and Information
Weddings - You must contact St. Mary's directly at least 6 months in advance in order to have your wedding at St. Mary’s. Please follow this link for more information.
Marriage Arrangements and Information
Baptisms - For baptisms, please email Kristie Pauldine at for more information. It is required that your sponsors be Confirmed Catholics and active Catholics (go to Mass weekly, etc.).
Baptism Information
Here at St. Mary's we welcome the beautiful music of children's laughter, whispering (or talking), and even crying, even during Mass! Please feel welcomed to bring any age child to Mass; children are always a blessing! We have a small area in our Gathering Room with books and a few toys that you are welcome to borrow during any Mass. We welcome you AND your entire Family.